Association PhenomenonThe association Phenomenon is a France-based non-profit association (loi 1901) for the promotion of contemporary art. There are three levels of yearly tax-deductible membership. Supporter: 25 EUR Benefits: One copy of the Phenomenon (1) publication. Contributor: 100 EUR Benefits: Two copies of the Phenomenon (1) publication; Advisory help with arrangements for participating in Phenomenon (2) in 2017. Benefactor: 400 EUR Benefits: Two copies of the Phenomenon (1) publication; Advisory help with arrangements for participating in Phenomenon (2) in 2017. Exclusive information about Phenomenon (2). To become a member please fill out the form and either send a cheque with the membership fee payable to the following address or ask for bank details for a transfer. Association Phenomenon 31 rue Chapon 75003 Paris France |